Engaging and empowering school libraries is a podcast that aims to raise the profile of school libraries by talking about topics that are current across education and teaching. We talk about issues that impact school libraries and invite guests to come along and speak on selected topics keeping our chats lively, engaging and current. We hope you enjoy listening. Find more CPD for school librarians and teachers here https://www.elizabethahutchinson.com/
Friday Jan 13, 2023
ChatGPT for teachers and school librarians.
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
What is ChatGPT and AI? Where do you start with it? Is it a passing fad or here to stay?
Tonight, I am joined by Domonic Sunderland Headteacher of Capella House School to chat through some of the possibilities for teachers and school librarians.
If you want to join my Webinar on Wednesday 18th January here is the link for more information https://www.elizabethahutchinson.com/service-page/chatgpt-and-ai?referral=service_list_widget
Today is a special edition as I am on my own with only one guest. If you join me normally, I have two co-hosts and usually 2 or 3 guests. But due to the fast-moving pace of ChatGPT and AI I didn’t want to wait to get everyone together so here we are.
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
School libraries and digital resources on a budget
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
(Start at 4.54 to miss set up chat). Elizabeth, Sabrina and Ruth chat with school librarians Emily, Hayden and Susan about the importance of digital resources and the school library. Here is a link to some of the free resources we discussed during the chat.
https://wakelet.com/wake/dKdRDqTmVe5ZFth6a8BHx from school librarian Clare Brumpton
Search coach https://www.bigtechwire.com/2022/06/14/microsoft-announces-new-search-coach-feature-in-microsoft-teams/?amp=1
Carot2 https://search.carrot2.org/#/search/web
Unpaywall https://unpaywall.org/
If you want to know more about how I can support school libraries check out my website https://www.elizabethahutchinson.com/
Host: Elizabeth Hutchinson - School Library Specialist (https://www.twitter.com/Elizabethutch)
Co-hosts Sabrina Cox 💙🎓📕 (https://www.twitter.com/WyrmbergSabrina) Ruth Maloney (https://www.twitter.com/RuthMaloney30)
Speakers Emily Stannard (https://www.twitter.com/copyrightgirl) Hayden Gigner @ The Forge Valley School LRC (https://www.twitter.com/ForgeLrc) Susan Merrick (https://www.twitter.com/merrilibrarian)
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Educating and training our library educators
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
(Start at 5.47 mins to miss set up chat) Elizabeth, Ruth and Sabrina chat with Krystal Vittal, Deputy CEO of Suffolk libraries, Briony Birdi, Senior lecturer and dissertation supervisor at Sheffield University, Corin Peacock, a student at Sheffield University studying librarianship and Rachel Huskisson, school librarian about the different routes to a professional qualification.
We discussed why it is important to have a qualification, its benefits and the confidence it gives you. Whilst also touching on the importance of learning about other areas of the library profession.
Apprenticeship information https://www.cilip.org.uk/general/custom.asp?page=LISApprenticeships#:~:text=The%20Level%203%20standard%20covers,to%20resolve%20their%20specific%20query
If you want to know more about how I can support school libraries check out my website https://www.elizabethahutchinson.com/
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
(Start at 4.55 mins to miss set up chat) Elizabeth, Ruth and Sabrina chat with school librarian, Clare Brumpton and teacher, Gaurav Dubay about reading. We discussed the importance of reading for recreation, how to support students reading for learning and give ideas for engaging reluctant readers in reading for life. Listen out for my snowman gaff... proves it is a live show!
Here is the link to the article we mention - School libraries and reading development
If you want to know more about how I can support school libraries check out my website https://www.elizabethahutchinson.com/
Monday Sep 26, 2022
ebooks and audiobooks in school libraries
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
(Start at 4 mins to miss set up chat) Elizabeth, Ruth and Sabrina chat with Raff Grasso, a teacher librarian from Melbourn and Haley Higgins and Alison Mercer-Cifola from Bolinda. We talked about ebooks in school libraries. We covered having a school collection and how to promote them. Using the public library collections and the increased use of audiobooks. We cover diversity and how this medium supports health and wellbeing as well as catering for visually impaired readers. Will it make you want to download a book or two?
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Thoughts and tips for stock selection for school libraries
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
(Start at 4m 55sec to miss set up chat) Elizabeth, Ruth and Sabrina chat with Alison King, Will Lack and Jim Mcleod about selecting stock for your school library. We covered diversity, how to find hidden gems and how to choose genres we don't read ourselves. Thanks to Jim I have just downloaded my first ever horror story... Will I be a convert?
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Why is collection development important in our school libraries?
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
#LSLLTS is not running during the holidays, this is an older episode we recorded on 15th November 2021. Ruth Maloney and Elizabeth Hutchinson talk to Debra Perrin, school librarian, about why collection development is important. "What a holistic and wide-ranging discussion with amazingly varied views yet librarians' hearts are all the same - we want our students reading, learning and growing" Irene Reid
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Banned Books: Challenges from an educational perspective
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
(Start at 2m 50sec) Elizabeth and Sabrina (Ruth was poorly) chat with Amy Hermon and Steve Tetreault 2 US school librarians about book banning in the US. They talk about their situation and advise us on what we should do now before it is too late. Claire Marris a UK librarian who has recently written for the School Librarian about book banning joins the conversation from a UK perspective.